International Wardrobe
Address: Almstadtstraße 50 10119 Berlin
Opening Times: Tuesday to Saturday 12:00 - 19:00 and by appointment
Phone: +49 (0) 30 50177671
District: Mitte
Notes: They sell clothing, ceramics, textiles, traditional dress, hats, furniture, blankets, wallets and other folkloric and handmade goods from all over the world. They sell objects of high cultural value. Here you can find pieces from Romania, Hungary, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, Uzbekistan, Bolivia, Peru and many other parts of the world. Items with unique stories, histories, aesthetics and ethnical worth. You can follow their buying adventures here!
Nearest Station: Rosa-Luxemburg Platz (U2)
Type: Handmade, Traditional, Ethnic items and clothing
Classification: Shopping