
Address: Graefestraße 20, 10967 Berlin
Opening Times: Tuesday - Friday 09:30 - 18:30, Saturday 09:30 - 15:30, Sunday & Monday's closed.
Phone:  +4930 69041638
Notes:  Pick & Mix / Pay per weight
Type: Specialty Liquorice from Germany, The Netherlands and Scandinavia
Classification: Sweet shop
Price Range: Really varies. You can pick and mix, and pay per Kilo. It's can be an inexpensive as you'd like. They also have packaged (some really nicely designed) liquorice from all over Europe.
Place:  Kreuzberg
Something memorable: They also have liquorice toothpaste! The staff here are all very friendly, attentive and knowledgeable about liquorice. 
Fun fact: Opened in the mid-90's, Kadó was Berlins first liquorice shop. It imports liquorice from 10 different countries. A great New York Times article on the shops can be read here